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Remedial Process Optimization Fit Test

This is intended to be a fun applet and easy test with 17 simple questions meant to get people thinking about remediation sites in a new light as well as viewing the potential benefits of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO). Upon test completion you will get an RPO Site score (between 1-100%) and some ideas for RPO specific to your site that you may want to consider. Test input clears after each test, so you can retake the test for this or other sites as many times as you want!

Type of Remedial System?

Operation Start Date? (mm/yyyy)

Are remedial goals clearly defined?

Is NAPL present?

Progress for achieving goals for Groundwater?

Progress in achieving goals for Soil?

Are there any environmental compliance issues (i.e. NOVs, etc.)

Are there any safety issues? (i.e. Near Misses, Close Calls, or Incidents)

Let's talk about project costs

How is your Maintenance program for this site?

How about your sampling plan, have you been updating it?

Does the site have an exit or site strategy, and are you making progress in implementing the strategy?

Has this site ever had a remedial process optimization review?

How much energy does your system use?

Have you completed a sustainability assessment for your process (e.g., quantify energy use, air emissions, waste created, and material used)?

Finally, how is the OM work contracted?

This test is designed as an easy, quick questionnaire to return a rough estimate of how your site is operating. The information provided from this test does not substitute an informed engineering assessment.

This test is 100% anonymous and does not store any information based on your provided answers.

This app is owned and operated by Jacobs Engineering Group and is not for reproduction.